Moripe Business academy

MISSION: To develop sustainable, profitable and growing enterprises by providing seminars, training, coaching and mentorship to SMME and prospective entrepreneurs in South Africa.

Moripe Business Academy is a skills development and training provider delivering accredited generic and customized training programmes to corporate, government, and social organizations. MBA specializes in enterprise development

MBA Programmes:


  • Fire your boss and become your own boss
  • I am not a job seeker, I am a job creator

Training programmes

  • New Venture Creation (level 4)
  • Co-operative business training
  • BONA start up
  • Tsoga entrepreneur incubator program
  • Short skills programs
  • Human resource management
  • SMART Entrepreneurship
  • Productivity management
  • Strategic Planning
  • General administration management
  • Human resource management
  • Financing a new venture
  • Entrepreneurial clubs

Moripe Business Consultancy

The business consultancy program provides a broader understanding of management and leadership, business operations and long-term vision and mission implementation. This is beneficial to assist in the establishment of profitable, sustainable and growing SMME’s.

Service Offering:

  • Pre-Assessment
  • Entrepreneur Assessment
  • Business Diagnostic
  • Tsoga entrepreneur incubator program
  • Coaching and Mentoring


The mentoring and coaching programmes are custom designed to suit your business’s needs and are scheduled between 3-12months. This excludes the pre-assessment to identify the company’s inefficient processes and procedures. The pre-assessment is mandatory as there might be inefficiencies that our trusted assessors may identify that the client is not aware of

Moripe Sales Agency

Moripe Sale Agency (MSA) is a 360⁰ vibrant and dynamic sales agency that seeks to assist SMME’s to improve their sales performance and link them to new markets for their companies.


  • Sales leads
  • Sales Conversion (close deal)
  • Sales Management

MSA follows a 5-step model to ensure quality service delivery; the approach is based on offering a 360 degree sales service.

Research Expectations

  • Develop new product
  • Identify business schemes to assist SMME’s
  • Identify procurement opportunities from government and private sector


  • Black business development program)
  • SETA Voucher programmes
  • Business seminars
  • Funding
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Skills development training program

Moripe Financial Services

On the backdrop of realizing the challenges faced by SMME’s with regards to finance and asset acquisition, Moripe Holdings pioneered Moripe Financial Services (MFS) which provides assistance to SMME’s with the fundraising and acquisition of assets.

What we Offer:

  • MFS facilitates the acquisition of assets for qualifying SMME’s
  • MFS assists qualifying SMME’s to access small business finance
  • MFS provides SMME’s with access to post- care support

Financial Assessments: MFS uses accredited advisors through the Institute of Business Advisors (IBA), to conduct financial assessments and financial feasibility that will determine the client’s financial requirements and capacities.

Funding Proposals: MFS assists SMME’s in the compilation of adequate funding proposals, the acquisition of potential funders, proposal presentations and the securing of funds for assets. Suitable funders and donors will be approached on behalf our clientele.

Moripe Compliance Services

Moripe Compliance Services (MCS); provides the most comprehensive suite of solutions to manage governance, risk and compliance of SMME’s. We equip clients to protect their organizations from adverse risks, enhance their corporate cultures and employee relations, and safeguard their workplace, human resources, brand equity and shareholder value.

MCS offers a complete range of assessment and compliance products and services that have become integral to the effective optimisation of any business. We add value to an organisation through assessment, followed by implementation and management of relevant systems, be it ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 or any other relevant risk and quality management system.

We will ensure that we understand the business processes and will implement and customise a solution to best suit the organisation’s specific needs and requirements. MCS services help organizations capture and respond to business risk, improving the economic and social value of their organization.

We Offer:

  • Diagnostic Review / Situational Assessment
  • Management System Development and Implementation
  • Corporate Governance

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